EDEN has remained one of my favorite artists for many years now, creating such beautiful music that you can listen to in almost any mood. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to get an early release of his newest craft, no future, to share my thoughts with you. Here we go!

“good morning” is an incredible introduction to the album. At the beginning of most EDEN album’s there is a bit of an eerie feeling to it, creating anticipation for the rest of the album. The ending is very similar, as well, to many of his songs as he concludes with a slower, ballad style.

The next song, “in,” is a transition song but carries its spot in the album beautifully. It carries the energy from “good morning,” but with more of a beat. “Hertz,” the song following, continues from “in” almost seamlessly. Personally, the background vocals really stand out and make this song very unique to the rest on the album. A lyric that really stood out to me was: “I see myself in all the people I let go,” which seems to establish a very pivotal point for the album.

Another transition song, “static” elicits the feeling of listening to the radio in the background of a busy area, or in this case, what seems like a busy mind. Usually when albums include multiple transition songs, I tend to skip over them; however, with all EDEN albums, they are all worth a play – and this is no exception to that.

The beginning of the song “projector” gives me chills, to say the least. Not to sound any certain way, but this song really has an incredible vibe to it. Similarly to “static” eliciting a feeling, “projector” gives off the feeling of a song playing loudly in the next room. In particular, this song makes me feel like I’m waiting for something to occur, creating a mysterious but positive feeling. I really believe EDEN releasing this song earlier than the album release was very smart in establishing a mood for the album.

Another song released before the album, “love, death, distraction,” creates a very interesting storyline; it feels as if each word mentioned in the title is given a time in the song dedicated to it. Regardless of if this was meant or not, it is very much a relatable song, where love might be more about heartbreak than love itself.

“how to sleep” was a favorite of mine from the second I hit play; seeming to express a fear of relationships that someone is in, or even anger about someone in their past that is doing better in life than they are personally. The concept of this song is beautiful and was definitely crafted with care. This will be on the top of your list, trust me!

Reflecting the title very well, “calm down” is indeed a very calming song. In my opinion, it is also a good driving song, which are some of my favorites to find when it comes to new music! “just saying” feels very nostalgic from the beginning. In comparison to some of the other songs, at least so far, it has more beat to it. In addition to “calm down,” this is also a great driving song or one to listen to while you are starting your day.

When I saw the title, I didn’t know what to expect from this song, but “fomo” really proved to be another one of my favorites on the album. The lyrics are just so beautifully crafted and unique in creation. Despite the uniqueness, it still reminds me of his album vertigo, that is one of my favorites as an entire piece of work.

“so far so good,” in my opinion, is the best transition song on the album. The transition between this and “fomo” is almost seamless and really ties the whole story together. Highlighting EDEN’s vocal skills, this is most definitely a beautiful song.

Being released before the album, fans were blessed with “isohel.” Very unique to this album and to EDEN in relation to his whole discography. Not to sound like broken record player, but this is another one of my favorites on the album, also highlighting his alluring voice.

Another very unique one for EDEN, “????” is a very chill but also upbeat song. The beat of the song in general is meshed very well with the lyrics. The end of the song, in particular, is absolutely beautiful that it gave me chills. Don’t be scared by the mysteriousness of the title, this is definitely one to look forward to hearing.

A shorter song on the album, “tides” surely stands its ground. To point to my favorite part, I ask that you listen fully to the very end, where there is an abrupt stop to the lyrics that was very moving to me for some reason: I believe this is a monumental song for EDEN.

“rushing,” a more melancholy song, seems to be a song about rushing into a relationship or realizing that people might not be meant for each other. There really is no aspect of this song to dislike, as it is lyrically, instrumentally, and vocally so strong. In the past, my favorite EDEN songs have been ones with longer instrumental sections, and this pleases that aspect for me!

“$treams,” in my eyes, is a great song to relax to with a candle on and no cares in the world. EDEN is known for creating this feeling of anticipation in his lyrics and I think this captures that very well. In particular, my favorite part of the song was how it ended – extremely well crafted!

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Let me just warn you, the lyrics to “2020” are some of the best on this album; for example, “she says I’m no good with my hands but I’d hold the whole sky for her,” is just the opening lyric to the song. Definitely about love or heartbreak in discussion of the things that someone would do for someone that they love, is absolutely beautiful. Throughout the song, however, it seems to change a bit to self-growth or improvement, creating a great vibe to listen to.

“out,” the last transition song of the album, really feels like it is bringing the album to a conclusion. Preparing you for the next and final song, “out” has a great aurora to it. Leading into “untitled,” a great addition to the album – I am so glad that EDEN chose to end the album with this. In a way, this song made me feel optimistic, while also taking many twists and turns throughout the time.

In my eyes, no future is a monumental album for EDEN and if you still haven’t listened by now, I recommend you pull it up on any music streaming device you have and take a break from your crazy life. Enjoy, and let us know what you think! Keep your eye out for EDEN on tour in a city near you this summer!