by emma schoors

Chanel & The Circus’ “I Wanna Do Drugs” is a fun and upbeat tune, accompanied by an equally eclectic music video, that reminds us of the fun of live music.

The song is relatively simple in subject matter: drugs. However, the vocals and mending of drums and techno-beats hides a relatable and sort of rightfully depressing lyric: “I wanna forget everything.”

In these past several months, many of us have missed the pure fun that comes with live music, and this track is reminiscent of the way that shows can allow people to forget about life for a while. On more literal terms, the song is about drugs and falling in love. 

The music video showcases plenty of color and visual stimulus, and is the perfect counterpart to the song.

Chanel & The Circus have provided an easy and relatable tune for anyone missing the rush of normal life.